Can I give my sponsored child more than the required $45 monthly donations? And where do you advise the extra to go?

We accept more than the required monthly donation of $45; and we advise the extra money to go to home improvement unless you have special items you want us to buy for  your particular child. if you do decide to donate more than the usual amount, kindly email the KCA Coordinator via [email protected] for clarity.

Can I become a CSP Ambassador in my area? To whom should I speak?

Yes. As an Ambassador, you get to be part of even greater change. You do that by telling people how sponsorship gives children a new chance in life, and by connecting children in need with new sponsors. “It’s energizing! It makes you feel really warm and good inside.” Whoever interest in creating change in the lives of many children who are voiceless, Please email to; KCA Coordinator, at [email protected].

How can I fund my child sponsorship? Is it monthly or Annually?

Sponsors may pay monthly (preferred) for $45/month or annually for $519/year. Please use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), or check – to KCA-Child sponsor Account. Please make timely payments to the CSP KCA Officer through the payment method of your choice. If you choose to fund your sponsorship via check or EFT, Please contact our office for assistance [email protected]

My company or school may be interested in doing a specific online fundraising campaign to support Child sponsor Program children in need of sponsorship in pairs like 2, 4, 6 etc, who do I speak to about this?

We would love to speak with you about your idea! Please email to; Program Development Coordinator, [email protected]
Your funding donation will be processed automatically upon enrollment and then will be processed on the 5th of each following month for the duration of your sponsorship. (Reminder is sent to you by CSP Program Officer on the 5th day of every month).

Can I ask for pictures of my sponsored child throughout the year?

As a sponsor you will be sent an updated picture of your sponsored child at the end of the school year. The only other occasion where you may receive additional pictures is when you send a gift as you will receive both a thank you letter and a picture of your sponsored child receiving the gift.

Can I send pictures to my sponsored child more often?

Yes! The children love receiving pictures of their sponsors, their families, etc.  Pictures of your travels are always interesting and motivate the children as well. *Pictures deemed inappropriate by CSP staff will not be sent to sponsored children.

Do you offer translation services for letters written by children in their local Languages to their sponsors?

Yes. We work with a wonderful team of volunteer translators who will be happy to translate the letters for you. Translation is only available from English at this time.

Can I adopt my sponsored child?

YES. Child sponsor is only one of the many programs of Kassanda Children’s Aid . If you follow the laws and rules governs the government of Uganda you can adopt.

Can I visit my sponsored child?

Yes. You are most welcome to visit the child you sponsor. A visit means you can also see how much the children are benefiting through the sponsorship program. A visit also makes your sponsorship more meaningful for you as well as your sponsored child.

Can I send extra gift money to my sponsored child?

Yes, you can send extra money for buying gifts for occasions like your sponsored child’s birthday, a child has excelled in class, or it can be a gift that can add value to a child’s household.

To whom should I address the letters and cards I send to my sponsored child?

Any communication to your child should be addressed to:
KCA Coordinator
P.O.BOX 93 Mityana –Uganda
Email: [email protected]
For quick reference and easy processing it is also important that you write your full name, Sponsor Reference Number and the child’s name and Number either on the envelope or in the correspondence.

Can I write to my sponsored child?

Yes. You can certainly write to your sponsored child. In fact, we encourage our sponsors to write to their children so as to get to know them better. Your sponsored child can also write to you. Many sponsors and sponsored children find this a rewarding experience. If the child is very young or does not know how to write, someone will probably help him/her to write or the project staff will write on their behalf.

What if I cannot continue my sponsorship payments? What will happen to the child?

CSP team understands that financial and personal situations change. If you need to cancel, just let us know and we will find another sponsor for your child. Your child will not be neglected. Child sponsor Program will ensure that the funding commitment to the program is maintained.

Did all my sponsorship fees go directly to the child?

No. 90% of the sponsorship fees go directly to the child and 10% go to administration fees – inclusive here are; postage, office supplies, mails, local volunteer stipends and internet charges.

Can I sponsor more than one child?

Yes. You can sponsor as many children as you wish but in the available options below. We have different options for you dear sponsors to choose children to sponsor under our Child sponsor Program –CSP. Please see different available options below;
i) Choose to sponsor six children a month at $270
ii)Choose to sponsor four children a month at $180
iii)Choose to sponsor two children a month at $90
iv)Choose to sponsor one child a month at $ 45
There are many children waiting for sponsorship.

Am I the only sponsor for my sponsored child?

If you are willing to bear the complete expense for a child, you will be the only sponsor. however if you wish to contribute only for education, or only for maintenance, we will use multiple sponsors to meet the other expenses.

How are children chosen for sponsorship?

A list of profiles of kids needing sponsorship is on our website from which a child may be chosen.  if there is no child preference, we will select a child who needs sponsorship and send the details to you .You may inform us of the age group and gender of the child you prefer to sponsor when sending payment.

Do I get a progress report on my sponsored child?

When you become a sponsor, you will receive a pack containing a photo and personal details of the child, a brochure, a profile of the child, and other school reports if the child has been in school. After that, once every six months you will receive your sponsored child’s progress report and his/her photo. The child will also write back to you if you write to him or her. Every year while you renew the sponsorship the latest photograph of the child will be sent to you.

What is the Child code? Do I need to mention this whenever I correspond?

When you decide to Sponsor, we will send you the child’s number and your reference number as well. the child’s number and sponsor’s reference number should be on all correspondence.

Is there a specific age for a child to be sponsored?

Yes, sponsored children are between the ages of 1 – 18 years. However, if there are specific requests from the sponsors we try our best to comply with their wishes.

How long can I sponsor a child?

Child sponsor is generally a long-term commitment of up to 10 years or more. You can sponsor the same child for as long as the child completes plus two or till such time that the child stands on his or her own feet independently. Occasionally there may be instances where the sponsored child leaves the program, at which time you may continue the sponsorship for another deserving child.

How does my sponsored child benefit?

Child sponsor program aims to promote lasting change in the life of the sponsored child. Your support will provide a child with education, health care and household improvement. This gives a chance for children to experience a normal, healthy and happy childhood.

Is Child sponsor an effective way to help?

Yes. The best way to change the life of a child is to change the world in which he or she lives. By sponsoring a child, you will help to bring about a lasting change in the child’s life. Your sponsorship helps fund areas such as healthcare and education of the children under our care. When you become a child sponsor, you can see for yourself the progress of your sponsored child’s health, general household and academic development.

What is Child Sponsorship?

Child sponsor is the commitment that you as a sponsor make to change the life of a deprived child through regular contributions. It is a relationship between you and your sponsored child. This relationship is aimed at giving a better life to the child while you have the satisfaction of having invested in building a new society, through our children.

Will my small contribution make a difference to this overwhelming problem?

Yes. the Child sponsor Program has demonstrated that if all our sponsors contribute to the degree they are able, CSP will accomplish amazing things and drastically change the lives of many kids. We hope that 100% of the funds CSP raises comes from individual sponsors.  remember, Whatever you do will make a difference to a child’s life and to your own.

How does Child sponsor Program raise funds?

The main source of funds on which the Child sponsor Program depends is donations from philanthropists and sponsors. we also plan to raise funds through organizations that give importance to corporate social responsibility.

How do I contact you regarding my donation?

For more assistance or information on donating to Child sponsor Program please contact us at +256-775-229988or send an email to [email protected]

How safe is my personal information with Child sponsor Program?

We are committed to protecting your personal information and we don’t share your information with any third parties.

How can I be sure my Donation is safe using the Internet?

You can be assured that all transactions on our site are safe. Online security is a primary concern and that is why the child sponsor Program took time to be unveiled.

Is there any advantage to donating online?

Yes. When you donate online, you help twice over, as it is the most cost-efficient channel of collecting funds for Child sponsor Program.

Is it complicated to donate online?

Not at all. It’s simple and saf

Can I donate in any currency?

We accept donations in US, Canada, UK and Uganda shilling only.

How do I update my contact details?

For more assistance or information on donating to Child sponsor program you may contact us through our email: [email protected] or you may call, +256-775-229988 or mail us; P.O. BOX 93 Mityana.

Should I send money directly to Child sponsor Head Office, program account in Uganda?

You can send your contributions to KCA-Child sponsor Account in STANBIC  BANK.

How do I send my contribution to Child Sponsorship?

You can send it by Check, EFT or cash donations if brought directly to our office. Please do not send Postal Orders and also avoid sending cash through the mail.

Does Child sponsor Program receive government or foreign funding?

Child sponsor Program does not receive any government funding. This HELPS us to work independently and to implement our programs and projects effectively and faster.  In recognition of Child sponsor Program. we would like to get a solid funding from Not-for-profit organization to help us pay staff, volunteer motivations, any Office constructions and secure a vehicle for use in the program.

What does a Child sponsor do?

CSP works relentlessly for the FULFILLMENT of ABANDONED, HIV infected and affected children, AND OVCs In society.  As oF today, about 160 in the mentioned categories are being SET UP in various homes such as CSP childreN.  the CSP starts its sponsorship program with 160 vulnerable children who are waiting for sponsors. Their lives can be given new direction for as little as $45 a month.  CSP has sponsorships available in Mubende District – Uganda.  The CSP is focused on providing Education, AND improvING health and home LIFE. But specifically the following will be provided;
Ø  $10 tuition fees -collected per month for 3 times and paid once for a school term
Ø  $5 uniform – collected per month for 3 times and paid once for a school term
Ø  $5 deworming and checks ups– collected per month for 3 times and paid once for a school term
Ø  $5 school supplies -collected per month for 3 times and paid once for a school term
Ø  $5 for meals -collected per month for 3 times and paid once for a school term
Ø  $8 for household improvement on a monthly basis
Ø  $5 Admin. fees
Ø  The total monthly donation stands at USD $ 45 per sponsored Child.
All of them have been provided with medical treatment, psychological support and loving care  by the dedicated staff and volunteers who work Around the clock.

Is Child sponsor Program a registered organization?

Child sponsor Program is a program under Kassanda Children’s Aid  and IS A registered community based Organization in Mubende district and Uganda

What is Child sponsor Program?

Child sponsor program (CSP) is a program under Kassanda Children’s Aid , established in Jan 2016, with the sole objective of Improving home LIFE and sponsoring kids that are LESS fortunate, most of whom ARE OVCs or destitute.

CSP WAS started by the founders of KCA.  Two years, Back Bonnie Cockrum   (Advisory Principal  KCA)  donated Money to KCA  we inviting vulnerable households in one place for a meal, on Charismas Day which is on 25/Dec every year thus  many of the families who gathered for the party they so vulnerable,  with our tool the KCA coordinator  selected the most vulnerable Children to be put under Child Sponsor Program, Still Bonnie and Megan L.Hewison  they continued to Mobilize funds  by setting up fundraisings.  We shared this story with our longtime friends and supporters in the USA, Patsy Burns (Director) from Texas, and Virginia Louderback-Godel  of Colville, Washington they agreed to join us in the same effort. We are still continuing to share this hope and belief with many friends and supporters around the world whoM we hope will be able to join hands together and give education sponsorship to THESE children. Due to an increased number of vulnerable children coming to our office for education support, KCA as a team decided to start ‘’Child sponsor Program –CSP.’’  KCA hopes to kick off CSP with a total of 160 vulnerable children from hard to reach sub counties of Kassanda, Bukuya and Kalwana.  CSP day-to-day activities are managed by a group of one Staff and TWO Volunteers  plus Community Based Volunteers.