Overview of Program:

There are a variety of other volunteer roles within KCA projects, office and partner health facilities to fit your abilities and interests.

Work may include:

  • Working on Bonnie Camp, our annual event for vulnerable, orphaned girls and boys;
  • Community outreach projects for education and distribution of food and medical supplies;
  • There are also office-based roles, helping in-country staff develop and monitor projects, raise funds and raise KCA’s profile.
  • Many of these roles can be combined, depending on your interests and skills.

*Volunteers working in health facilities may perform, assist, and/or observe emergency duties, work in surgery settings for in-patients or out-patients. Pre-med students and other students considering a career in healthcare will find volunteer experience very helpful in solidifying career choices. Shadowing supported clinical roles are available for medical, nursing, dental, AHP students, including elective students.

General Information

The Volunteer Program is open to anyone, from 16 years old, and from anywhere in the world. KCA runs its volunteer placements throughout the year in its existing partner organizations and health centers.

Objectives of the KCA Volunteer Program:

  1. To host professional volunteers and those aspiring to be professionals in fields, such as public health, reproductive health, family health, child development, program identification, management and evaluation who will work with KCA to promote its programs;
  2. To encourage and assist volunteers who wish to offer their skills and time for the benefits of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in Uganda, as a way of activating the international community against deplorable conditions which children, especially those infected with HIV/AIDS and orphans, endure daily;
  3. To facilitate medical professionals and medical interns from the western world with an avenue to learn about health problems in Africa, such as tropical and infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, learn about medical systems and procedures in Uganda and fulfill criteria for certain modules/credits from home institutions;
  4. To provide an opportunity for professional individuals who are interested in social development issues, to learn about the challenges faced by social transformation efforts in resource limited settings, as compared to affluent societies;
  5. To host a highly skilled volunteer staff who can work with local KCA staff and help improve their skills;
  6. To receive volunteer tourists, as part of the ‘Pearl of Africa’ tour, enabling them to explore Uganda and spend some time observing or working on our projects.

Participation and Registration:

Costs will include:

  • Airport pickup and return after volunteer placement, and transport;
  • Accommodation during your stay;
  • Food during your stay;

Exact costs will be provided to each participant, depending on the length of stay, personal requirements, etc. These details will be provided prior to any commitment from the individual. We only charge the real costs for your stay. There are no hidden administration fees and no profit being made. The fees must be paid to KCA on the first day of arrival.

About Uganda:

Uganda is a beautiful country, gifted by nature. Volunteers may take time off during weekends or after the project to tour around different places in the ‘Pearl of Africa’. Uganda is endowed with a rich natural world, with a variety of flora and fauna, and a variety of wonderful physical features. Some of Uganda’s most enjoyable tourist sites include the national parks (Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls, and Lake Mburo National Parks), source of the River Nile (water rafting, etc.), Bujjagali Falls, Lake Victoria, Gorilla tracking, and the Equator, among many others. Trips to these sites can be arranged by our in-country team, with local knowledge and not using tour operators, reducing the cost.

For further information contact at:  [email protected]

How to apply to volunteer with KCA:

-Individuals who are interested in volunteering with KCA can do so by sending an email to KCA at the email address below:

[email protected]



KCF Program Base Volunteers:

Position title: Social Community Worker Intern
Reports to: KCA Program Coordinator, Projects Officer
Schedule: Full-time, M–F (08am-04pm)
Location: Kassanda, Kassanda District, Uganda
Duration: Minimum 3 weeks
Maximum 6 months

General Description

Kassanda Children’s Aid runs a number of programs reaching children, youths, and women infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Prevention and outreach initiatives include HIV/AIDS counseling and testing, HIV/AIDS education, psycho-social support, maternal and reproductive health education, nutrition/food security, economic empowerment and gender-based violence prevention.

KCA currently implements community-based health and education projects for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in Kassanda, Kassanda District in the Central Region of Uganda, which include among others:

  • In and out of school HIV/AIDS prevention education Programs;
  • Psycho-social support and counseling;
  • Nutrition support;
  • Education support;
  • Clothing support;
  • Relief for housing;
  • Education and Career guidance support;
  • Kassanda Reading after Dark Project [MURADAP]. The project will provide needy orphans with lanterns to enable them to do homework and revise books after the sunset. The aim of the project is to improve the educational attainment of male and female Orphans and Vulnerable Children and to reduce school dropouts;
  • Talent development;
  • OVCs annual camp (‘Bonnie Camp’). The annual camp’s main goal is to bring selected OVCs to a one-week residential camp where they will be mentored and equipped with HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and basic skills so that after the camp they will become peer educators, HIV/AIDS Ambassadors, and role models in their communities.

This is an opportunity for a graduate student, professional and aspiring social workers to gain valuable experience in international health, observe the implementation of grass-roots programs, and participate in public health programming in resource limited settings.

Volunteer Responsibilities:

  1. A) Community-Based work:
  • Participate in community outreaches and sensitization activities about HIV/AIDS, Health, Education, Sanitation, etc.;
  • Join in community home visits to OVC families;
  • Participate in Psycho-Social support activities to orphans and other vulnerable children, including counseling, distribution of relief services such as clothes;
  • Participate in organizing recreational activities and workshops for children;
  • Creating a resource center for the youth to access information on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, STDs, HIV/AIDS, prevention and care, etc.;
  • Work with KCA staff in organizing seminars, workshops, sports galas and youth outreach programs and holding discussions with the youth;
  • Participate in the formation of youth clubs in and out of schools to aid the continuation of activities in the community;
  • Participate in the distribution of Scholastic materials to OVCs under the OVC Support Program;
  • Monitor and support the implementation of KCA’s projects, monitor action plans, timescales, and outcomes in the community.

B)    Office-Based Work:

  • Work with KCA staff to improve data collection tools and systems utilized by community volunteers for services provided in home-based care, nutrition, palliative care, and psycho-social support;
  • In collaboration with KCA staff, develop additional appropriate tools or provide refresher training on existing tools to assess range and quality of service delivery in home-based care, nutritional support, and orphans and vulnerable children selection by community volunteers;
  • Serve as a member of KCA’s Quality Assurance and Improvement internal working group and provide inputs on improved Monitoring and Evaluation and service quality;
  • Assist staff of KCA in developing and refining annual & quarterly Monitoring and Evaluation plans;
  • Increase the capacity of KCA staff in Monitoring and Evaluation through one-on-one and small group training;
  • Participate in a broad range of Monitoring and Evaluation activities, including work plan developments, report writing, and support supervision visits to gain exposure to various aspects of public health Monitoring and Evaluation systems across multiple program areas;
  • Refine and update KCA action plan for organizational development based on subsequent self-assessments;
  • Assist KCA in appropriate policy development for their organizations in areas of travel, employee handbooks, human resources, and administration;
  • Participate in the preparation and orientation of incoming volunteers;
  • Draw strategies for improving the Volunteer Program;
  • Participate in designing and organizing evaluations for Volunteers;
  • Create links with international organizations;
  • Participate in fundraising plans for KCA activities, including identification of potential funders and writing project proposals;
  • Contribute ideas to the development of a more sustainable volunteer program, as well as writing articles for publication in the KCA volunteer program magazine/newsletter;
  • Participate in the design and development of the KCA website;
  • Monitor and support the implementation of KCA’s Action Plans through on-the-ground supervision, site visits, and email and phone.

Required Qualifications and Abilities:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant field, OR Non-degree holders, with interest in a career in social work and international health;
  • Non-professional young people with the desire to understand social problems in resource limited societies;
  • Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation;
  • Demonstrated experience with statistical and analysis;
  • Experience in qualitative research and analysis skills;
  • Strong writing and analytical skills.

Desired Volunteer Qualities

  • Open-minded, ready to interact with other people of different cultural background;
  • Willing to share his/her experiences;
  • Flexible to live in simple conditions;
  • Flexible to the taste of other foods (local);
  • Positive attitude towards the plight of vulnerable sections of the population;
  • Ambition to help HIV/AIDS orphans and affected families;
  • Creative and analytical;
  • Very good intercultural communication skills and able to deal with different ethnic groups;
  • Patience and able to work using few resources and basic facilities.

C)    Hospital Based Volunteers

Position title: Medical/ Nurse/AHPs Intern

Reports to: Supervisor at host institution, KCA Program Coordinator or Projects Officer

Schedule: Full-time, M–F (08am-04pm)


  1. People’s Medical Centre Kassanda
  2. Kassanda Health Centre IV
  3. Kiganda Health Centre IV


Minimum 3 weeks

Maximum 6 months

General Description:

KCA is partnered with the above centers, and provides support services to patients. These health facilities are found in hard-to-reach areas of the country where quality health services are difficult to access for the general population. In most of the communities served by these health facilities the patient-service provider ratio is very alarming and the health service delivery systems are in a sorry state. Apart from volunteers contributing to the improvement of service delivery in these institutions, the volunteer placement also has some benefits to the volunteer interns. The volunteer placement provides an opportunity for medical professionals and medical interns to learn about health problems in Africa, such as tropical and infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, learn about medical systems and procedures in Uganda and use the experience to apply for academic medical credits in schools back home.

Volunteer Responsibilities:

  • Receiving and registering patients;
  • Updating medical records;
  • Participate in hospital outreach programs such as immunizations;
  • Going around the wards with nurses and doctors to visit patients;
  • Weighing children and registering new births;
  • Participate in diagnostic tasks for infections, treatment and related complications;
  • Work on special project in an area of interest such as TB, Malaria, HIV/AIDS and STIs, Maternal and Reproductive Health, among others;
  • Office and computer work in the administration office;
  • Any other activity/program available during the volunteer placement.

NOTE: The activity each volunteer undertakes will depend on his/her expertise and level of professionalism

Open to:

  • Pre-meds
  • Nursing Students
  • Medical Students
  • Students doing medical electives and clinical courses
  • Students of Public Health
  • Students and Medical Professionals interested in learning about Tropical Medicine
  • Medical Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Missionaries
  • Health Social Workers

Desired Volunteer Qualities:

  • Open-minded, ready to interact with other people of different cultural background;
  • Willing to share his/her experiences;
  • Flexible to live/stay in simple conditions;
  • Flexible to the taste of other foods (local);
  • Very good intercultural communication skills and able to deal with different ethnic groups (all staff are required to speak English, but many patients speak Luganda only);
  • Patience and ability to work using few resources and basic facilities;
  • Creative and analytical;

School Based Volunteers

Position Title: Intern Teacher

Reports to: Supervisor at Host School, KCA Program Coordinator or Projects Officer

Schedule: Full-time, M–F (08am-04pm)

Location: 1) Seed Junior School (https://www.get-schooled.org/kassanda-seed-school/)

Duration: Minimum 2 weeks

Maximum 6 months

General Description:

KCA after seeing the need of its children, opened a school as a way of promoting community health and education among Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs). This school is located in a hard-to-reach area of the country, where quality education services are difficult to access for many of the OVCs. The poor educational attainment in these communities is largely attributed to the effects of HIV/AIDS-related deaths, which have contributed to the increased number of OVC with no safety nets and social support systems for education and health.

Volunteer Responsibilities:

  • Work with responsible teachers in engaging students in extra-curricular activities (games and sports, music, dance, and drama);
  • Facilitate in physical education lessons;
  • Participate in offering leadership skills and training for students;
  • Teach lessons in English and Mathematics to different classes, as seen appropriate by school authorities;
  • Provide first aid skills to students and teachers;
  • Provide sexual and reproductive health education;
  • Participate in HIV/AIDS prevention awareness education;
  • Sensitizing students on hygiene, sanitation and environmental health;
  • Participate in administration work, including assisting with initiating sound financial management systems.

Open to:

  • Teachers
  • Teacher trainees
  • Child counselors
  • Music teachers (including non-teachers who could help children learn music)
  • Games and sports tutors (includes non-professionals who have the ability to engage students in a number of games and sports activities)
  • Sex and reproductive health counselors
  • Child peer educators
  • Young People/teenage students willing to share their experience with fellow peers in Ugandan schools.
  • Those with skills and experience in educational management
  • Social workers and those aspiring to be social workers

Desired Volunteer Qualities:

  • Open-minded, ready to interact with other people of different cultural background;
  • Willing to share his/her experiences;
  • Flexible to live/stay in simple conditions;
  • Flexible to the taste of other foods (local);
  • Very good intercultural communication skills and able to deal with different ethnic groups;
  • Patience and able to work using few resources and basic facilities;
  • Creative and interested in children.



Kassanda Children’s Aid (KCA) is a faith-based, registered not-for-profit charity based in the rural districts of Kassanda and Kassanda in Central Uganda, targeting Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) and women living with HIV/AIDS. KCA provides comprehensive services to orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs). In addition to volunteer programs, health services, health education, and HIV/AIDS sensitization, KCA increases the capacity of orphans and vulnerable children, especially girls, to attend and excel in school. All of our projects require funding, as with many NGOs, this is often the stumbling block to our projects being successful.

Your Role as a Fundraising Volunteer:

You will work from your own country, in close liaison with KCA headquarters located in Kassanda, Uganda.

You will be required to supervise yourself during the course of your work.

We would request you to work with us for a minimum of 6 months, committing however as much time as you wish.

Some of the roles and work required are as follows:

  • Fundraise for the KCA Project/Programs;
  • To represent the organization in various donor conferences and workshop, and provide feedback to KCA;
  • Create and update fundraising related documents;
  • Maintain a favorable relationship with donors;
  • Oversee online fundraising programs on Face book, website, etc.;
  • Collaborate with KCA staff to create grant proposals for foundations and specific fundraising goals for appeals to private donors.


Organizational Support:

Throughout your time as a volunteer fundraiser for KCA, the organization will assign you a staff member who will be supporting you. KCA will provide you with competent assistance in whatever program you choose to fundraise for us and we will also help to answer any questions you may have or any advice you may need. KCA will provide you letters of support and introductions to help you do your work.

Volunteer Fundraiser Profiles:

We are particularly looking for enthusiastic, dedicated individuals to serve as Online Volunteer Fundraisers with the following profiles:

  • Experience working with local community-based organizations in developing countries or in resource-poor settings;
  • Knowledge in building partnerships;
  • Experience in building and maintaining, assist at construction projects;
  • Prospect research;
  • Fundraising strategy development;
  • Event planning and fundraising;
  • Designing fundraising materials;
  • Modeling, designing and delivering successful fundraising campaigns;
  • Project managing fundraising campaigns;
  • Crowdfunding;
  • Developing fundraising monitoring systems;
  • Social media mobilization


– Enthusiasm, dedication to service, with a willingness to make a commitment for sustained involvement;

– Experience writing grant proposals or a willingness to learn;

– Understanding of HIV context in Uganda.


How to apply:

Please apply by sending to us a statement of interest through: email [email protected] OR by downloading the KCA_Volunteer_Application_Form

Please fill it out and send it back to us.


Kassanda Town, Kyedikyo Road
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +256 775 229 988

Complete the form below to connect with KCA.