Every year Pastor Vincent likes to delay celebrating his birthday to feed his community on Christmas day. Please consider a love offering to help him do this. He truly thinks more of others than himself and this is a small way to show him appreciation. …
Author: Kassanda
Our school teacher uniforms and pupils sports wear for the school

KCA Life

KCA Building Projects

The Child Born Armless: Didas

Didas is 2 years old He was born without arms and his one leg is crippled. He lives with his Mother at Kyoto Village Mbiriizi sub-county. His mother came to Kassanda District seeking help and the District officials referred her to Kassanda Children’s Aid. When …
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KASSANDA CHILDREN’S AID (KCA) is making a difference

Enjoy these beautiful “thank yous” from several students recently sponsored through KASSANDA CHILDREN’S AID (KCA) and Get-Schooled.org.
Thank you from Kassanda Children Aid

Enjoy some personal thank yous from Kassanda Children Aid students.
Thank You Video from KCA Student
Thank you to the sponsor!
Before and After